Investing where it makes a difference.
We invest in the critical foundations of our communities to create thriving places to call home, now and for future generations. At Entergy, we are committed to biodiversity and comply with all environmental regulations, especially those that govern wildlife conservation. Our strategy supports, conserves and restores biodiversity habitat, wetlands and local natural resources.
Since 2011, we have created a more bird-friendly environment by retrofitting older distribution power lines, implementing new distribution construction standards and replacing insulators on transmission structures. Our bird protection standard can be viewed here.
We also manage thousands of acres of natural land in four states, which provide a natural habitat and green space for animals. One example is the 9,000-plus acres of land around lakes Catherine and Hamilton in Arkansas.
Environmental Initiatives Fund
The Entergy Environmental Initiatives Fund supports projects and programs that reduce emissions, protect natural resources, and restore wetlands and forests in the communities Entergy serves. In 2024, our shareholders contributed approximately $1 million to partnering organizations through the fund. Entergy’s owners have funded this program for 24 years in a row, with a total investment of nearly $44 million since it launched in 2001.
View the current request for proposals to see if your organization’s environmental improvement project may be eligible for support from our Environmental Initiatives Fund.
In partnership with the Arbor Day Foundation, the Environmental Initiatives Fund has provided Entergy customers with free trees since 2018. Customers receive their tree in the mail with planting instructions for optimizing energy benefits and avoiding electrical equipment like overhead lines. This partnership provides long-term benefits for both our customers and communities.
Protecting our natural resources
Entergy partners with community organizations to support wetlands restoration and reforestation. We’ve recently exceeded our five-year goals for these initiatives.