Since launching its low-income customer initiative 20 years ago, Entergy has been helping power the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, not only by keeping their power on and gas flowing, but by placing them on the path to economic self-sufficiency. And that doesn't stop in the face of natural or manmade disasters … or even global pandemics. When disaster strikes, Entergy and its employees step up to help neighbors in need. In the first six months of this pandemic, the Entergy Charitable Foundation and Entergy Corporation have awarded grants totaling nearly $3 million to help provide basic needs like food and rent for individuals and families impacted by COVID-19.
Giving Back - Inspiring Innovation at Southern University
Students and faculty at Southern University are using 3D printers in their Entergy-sponsored lab to make parts for reusable N95 masks to be used by COVID-19 health care professionals.
Giving Back - Volunteering During COVID-19
Volunteering is one of the most important ways that Entergy employees power life in our communities. The company’s one million volunteer hours serving local communities and supporting nonprofits translates into more than $25 million in economic impact. And during COVID-19, we stepped up even more.