GRI main page | Foundation indicators | Economic indicators | Environment indicators | Social indicators
GRI standard title |
Disclosure number |
Disclosure title |
Response/Resources |
Page numbers |
Materials |
EU Supp: Long term strategy for managing and phasing out PCBs |
Materials |
301-1 |
Materials used by weight or volume |
Materials |
301-2 |
Recycled input materials used |
We report recycled material in our performance data table and our 2023 Performance Report. |
Pages 29, 34 |
Energy |
Entergy is a leader in clean generation. More than half of the energy we supply to meet utility demand comes from efficient natural gas-powered generation and clean nuclear generation. |
We report on our clean generation sources on our Environmental strategy web page, our Renewable energy web page, our Entergy Nuclear sites web page, our 2023 Performance Report and our 2022 Climate Report. |
Pages 14-15, 28-29; pages 9-12 |
Energy |
302-4 |
Reduction of energy consumption |
Our operating company disclosures of energy efficiency programs, including amounts of energy conserved, are made publicly available on our EEI Quantitative template. |
Water |
EU Supp: Collaborative approaches to managing watersheds |
Our water management strategy is shared in this online overview and in our 2023 Performance Report. |
Page 31 |
Water |
303-2 |
Water sources significantly affected by withdrawal of water |
Our water management strategy is shared in this online overview and in our 2023 Performance Report. |
Page 31 |
Water |
303-3 |
Water recycled and reused |
Our water management strategy is shared in this online overview and in our 2023 Performance Report. |
Page 31 |
Biodiversity |
EU Supp: Approach for pest and vegetation management along transmission and distribution corridors |
We are regularly recognized for our proper tree care and vegetation management. Our tree management practices are described on our Tree trimming web page, this news article and in this one. |
Biodiversity |
304-2 |
Significant impacts of activities, products, and services on biodiversity |
Our commitment to biodiversity is detailed on our Biodiversity web page and in our 2023 Performance Report. |
Page 32-33 |
EU Supp: Description of significant impacts on biodiversity in protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value |
Our biodiversity approach is detailed on our Biodiversity web page and in our 2023 Performance Report. |
Pages 32-33 |
Biodiversity |
304-3 |
Habitats protected or restored |
Our avian protection program is discussed on our Biodiversity web page and in our Avian and Wildlife Protection Standard. |
Emissions |
In 2001, Entergy was the first U.S. utility to voluntarily commit to capping carbon dioxide emissions. We extended this commitment twice, including a voluntary pledge to maintain our carbon dioxide emissions at 20% below baseline year 2000 levels through the year 2020, a goal we outperformed by 8%. Today, we have a commitment to net-zero emissions by 2050. Milestones include by 2030 we will produce 50% fewer carbon emissions per MWh of electricity generated than we did in 2000. We have achieved 38% toward this emission rate reduction goal. In 2023, our CO2 emission rate was 34% below what it was in 2000. We also have a goal of 50% carbon-free capacity by 2030. We have achieved 23% toward this goal. More details on our actions to reduce emissions are detailed in our 2022 Climate Report. The report is aligned with the Task Force for Climate-related Financial Disclosures, of which Entergy is a supporter. |
Our climate strategy is outlined in our Climate action web page, our 2022 Climate Report and our 2023 Performance Report. |
Pages 8-28; pages 10, 28-29 |
Emissions |
305-1 |
Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions |
We report our emissions data in our performance data table and in our EEI/ESG template. Our greenhouse gas inventory and verification is available on our ESG disclosures web page. |
EU Supp: Direct GHG emissions Scope 1 |
We report our emissions data in our performance data table and in our EEI/ESG template. Our greenhouse gas inventory and verification is available on our ESG disclosures web page. |
Emissions |
305-2 |
Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions |
We report our emissions data in our performance data table and in our EEI/ESG template. Our greenhouse gas inventory and verification is available on our ESG disclosures web page. |
EU Supp: Indirect GHG emissions Scope 2 |
We report our emissions data in our performance data table and in our EEI/ESG template. Our greenhouse gas inventory and verification is available on our ESG disclosures web page. |
Emissions |
305-3 |
Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions |
We report our emissions data in our performance data table and in our EEI/ESG template. Our greenhouse gas inventory and verification is available on our ESG disclosures web page. |
Emissions |
305-4 |
GHG emissions intensity |
We report our emissions data in our performance data table and in our EEI/ESG template. Our greenhouse gas inventory and verification is available on our ESG disclosures web page. |
Emissions |
305-5 |
Reduction of GHG emissions |
We report our emissions data in our performance data table and in our EEI/ESG template. Our greenhouse gas inventory and verification is available on our ESG disclosures web page. |
Emissions |
305-6 |
Emissions of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) |
We report our emissions data in our performance data table and in our EEI/ESG template. Our greenhouse gas inventory and verification is available on our ESG disclosures web page. |
Emissions |
305-7 |
Nitrogen oxides (NOX), sulfur oxides (SOX), and other significant air emissions |
We report our emissions data in our performance data table and in our EEI/ESG template. Our greenhouse gas inventory and verification is available on our ESG disclosures web page. |
EU Supp: "Nitrogen oxides (NOX), sulfur oxides (SOX), and other significant air emissions |
We report our emissions data in our performance data table and in our EEI/ESG template. Our greenhouse gas inventory and verification is available on our ESG disclosures web page. |
Effluents and Waste |
EU Supp: Storage strategy for radioactive nuclear waste |
Our approach to waste management is detailed in our Waste management and minimization standard. |
Effluents and Waste |
306-2 |
Waste by type and disposal method |
Information about our recycling and investment recovery process is available on our Environmental stewardship web page and in our 2023 Performance Report. |
Pages 30-31 |
Effluents and Waste |
306-3 |
Significant spills |
Information on our 2023 spills is reported to the U.S. Coast Guard's National Response Center. DISCLAIMER: This website is maintained by the U.S. Coast Guard, not Entergy. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of information provided by third parties. |
Effluents and Waste |
306-4 |
Transport of hazardous waste |
Our approach to waste management is detailed in our Waste management and minimization standard. More information about nuclear spent fuel is available on our Spent fuel storage web page. |
Environmental Compliance |
307-1 |
Non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations |
Our compliance with environmental laws and regulations is detailed in our annual SEC Form 10-K. |
Page 32 |
Supplier Environmental Assessment |
We aspire to be an industry leader in protecting our environment. We expect our employees, agents, and suppliers to provide goods and services in an environmentally conscientious manner. Environmental laws, regulations, and orders affect many areas of Entergy’s business, including restrictions on hazardous and toxic materials, air and water emissions, and waste disposal. We are committed to meeting or surpassing compliance with environmental and all applicable regulatory requirements and enhancing the communities we serve. We expect employees, agents, and suppliers to comply with all applicable environmental laws and regulation and conduct their operations in an environmentally responsible manner. We encourage our agents and suppliers to reduce the sustainable impact of the goods and services they provide. We actively seek suppliers that share our commitment to protecting the environment. |
Our expectations of our suppliers are detailed on our Supply chain sustainability web page and in our Supplier Code of Conduct. |
Supplier Environmental Assessment |
308-1 |
New suppliers that were screened using environmental criteria |
Information about suppliers who responded to our ESG survey is available on our Supply chain sustainability web page and in our 2023 Performance Report. |
Page 34 |
Management Approach |
103-2 |
The management approach and its components |
Our management approach to a sustainable supply chain is detailed on our Supply chain sustainability web page, in our Supplier Code of Conduct and in our 2023 Performance Report. |
Page 34 |