How is my usage measured? What is a kilowatt-hour (kWh)?

Electricity is measured in “kilowatt-hours” (kWh). A kilowatt-hour packs about as much energy as a half-cup of gasoline. If you turn on a 100 watt light bulb for 10 hours, you use 1 kilowatt-hour of electricity, which adds as little as 8 cents to 9 cents or less to your electric bill.

Where can I view my usage?

Customers with advanced meters can access detailed energy usage information through their online account, including daily usage information. Energy usage is updated several times daily, with displayed usage in 15-minute increments for electric customers and one-hour intervals for gas customers.

Once you are logged into myEntergy, click on “My Usage & Cost” then scroll down to “On Demand Read” to refresh for latest meter read.

How do I read my meter?

Entergy’s advance meters are made by Honeywell or L&G. Both meters have a  display screen that cycle through different display states. You will see “Kilowatt-hours Delivered” and “Kilowatt-hours Received.”

L&G - display containing “001” on the left shows the number of kilowatt-hours delivered:

Honeywell - display containing “DEL” shows the number of kilowatt-hours delivered:

If you are a solar (net metered) customer, you may also be interested in viewing the kilowatt-hours received.

L&G - display containing “002” on the left shows the number of kilowatt-hours received:

Honeywell - display containing “REC” shows the number of kilowatt-hours received:

How can I control my usage?

Through proactive alerting, customers have the ability to set a monthly budget and energy use goals and receive notifications when nearing the selected goal. 

What do I do if my meter is displaying an error message?

An event may occur that causes your meter to display an error message, typically appearing in the format “E-##-##.” The advanced meters flag these errors and communicate them back to our system, which is monitored and the event is addressed as needed. Some codes may automatically clear once the error is fixed, such as a temporary system disturbance. Other codes may require us to schedule a site visit to clear, but the meters are still collecting usage data. If we do not receive a usage read from your meter, we will send a technician out. No additional action is required by customer.

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